Nana received an early Christmas gift from Easton on Christmas Eve. We were make all our pies and some side dishes for Christmas dinner so it was only fitting that Nana get some good use out of her new Nana apron!

Cooking fools!

Christmas Eve Josh's Dad, Step-mom, step-brother and his step-brother's son arrived at our house around 3:00 pm from Fort Scott. Gary (Josh's Dad) got to spend lots of time with Easton, including cereal and bath time.

Maddox wasn't feeling very well so we did an early gift exchange and Josh drove Jeremy and his son back to Fort Scott.

Easton left cookies and milk out for Santa before heading up to bed! Yep, our daughter is rocking crazy orange gown, brown leggings, and pink socks! No we are not color blind. She kicks her covers off in the middle of the night so we put leg warmers on her to keep her skinny legs warm.

Santa came!

Can you see the shock in her eyes when she realized Santa had brought her all those cool toys!

Easton and Daddy playing with her new toy.