This picture was taken at 32 weeks! Wow does my face look round!
My mom and best friend, Lexie threw me a FABULOUS baby shower on Saturday, June 5th. The food was great, the decorations were adorable and the company of friends and family was even better!

Lexie and I. She is going to be such a great Aunt! She has already got Easton styling with cute shoes and outfits!
My momma and me! She is so excited to be a Nana!
My girls! These are my gals from college. Some live local others are from came from Wichita and Colorado! Thank you ladies!
Of course this was Josh's favorite shirt!

This was only part of the gifts that little Ms. Easton received! We are so lucky to have such wonderful family and friends!
This is the quilt my mom made for Easton. She has so many beautiful quilts and blankets that family and friends have made her. We love each one of them and can't wait to use them!
Yes, this is Josh!
Josh and his dad on Father's Day.
Harlie, enjoyed the great weekend weather!
Since we celebrated Father's Day with everyone on Saturday, Sunday was a lazy day for us! Josh put together a Easton's swing, bouncer and Jeep stroller!

We are 36 weeks and 5 days! Last week we started going to the doctor on a weekly bases! Today's doctor appointment she officially started "checking" me. I am happy to report that I am 3 cm dilated, 70% effaced and -1. Dr. Grounds was very excited and surprised that I was so far along. She even told us that she didn't think I would make my due date! Of course this made Josh and I ecstatic, but it also made me realize that we need to get all the ball! We still have not made daycare arrangements, packed our bag, put the crib mattress pad on the crib bed, finished baby shower thank you cards and so much more. So I am sure I will be on over drive the next couple of weeks trying to wrap things up before Easton arrives. I have gained 53 pounds to date and have noticed my weekly weight gain tapering off! Ok by me!
Looks like you got a lot of gifts at your baby great! Isn't it hard to believe that next year for Father's day you'll have a little girl?!? I can't tell you how jealous I am of your 'progress' thus far. I am 38 weeks tomorrow and there is NOTHING going on! Good luck on the final preparations!
ReplyDeleteEek! I am so excited for you guys. Seeing all of you preggies prepare for your babies, I get to reminisce about preparing for mine. I love it! She'll be here before you know it!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like you guys are pretty darn ready for Easton to arrive. I'm so excited you and Josh. Good luck with the last minute preparations! :)