Me: Josh you remember how last night when we were at Wal-Mart and you picked up the cantaloupe and said in a couple of weeks I would be having one of those....
Josh: Do we need to go now!
Me: NO! NO! NO! (now laughing hysterically)
Josh: Don't scare me like that Melissa!
Me: I didn't mean to. Why did you even think I was going into labor after a sentence like that?
Josh: Well you paused and I thought you were going to say it wasn't going to be in a couple of weeks, but now.
Me: (still laughing) I'm sorry. I was just calling to tell you we are now a watermelon and you need to have respect for it.
Josh didn't think it was as funny as I did, in fact, I could hear the pure panic in his voice when he said "Do we need to go now!" This little incident however, lead to my husband ordering me to pack my bags that night. Yes ordering me! Because once he got off the phone with me all he could think about was if that was the real thing we don't have anything packed for the hospital. So Josh got his bag ready, I got Easton's bag ready, and well my bag is half packed. As much as this annoys Josh, I can't pack all my clothes, because I have to still wear them!
Friday evening we ventured to Babies R Us purchased a car seat and one extra base. Saturday Josh installed it in my car! Let me tell you how weird and exciting it is to drive around with a car seat. Oh, and by the way car seats take up A LOT of room! I just didn't realize! And I am sportin' the stroller in the back of my Tahoe! These days I am a real soccer mom. :)

We had our 38 week appointment on 6/29/10. I gained another 3 pounds which puts me at 56 pounds to date. I am a conservative 4 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Dr. Grounds still says I will not make my due date and in fact she said I will probably have her next week because she will 1. be on vacation, 2. all her baby's seem to come in clumps and she has had hardly any babies the past couple of weeks and, 3. I am 4 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Josh and I were so excited to hear that we are moving in the right direction... down! :) I have to say that the whole "checking" process is HORRIBLE! While the doctor is down-town doing her thing, I have a death grip on my husband's hand and I of course fight her the entire time. This last appointment she made the comment that I had thighs of steel. The whole "checking" process freakin' hurts! An epidural is looking more likely every time I get "checked" by my doctor.
The predictions for when Easton will make her debut:
Nana Wiseman (my mom): July 8th
Josh: July 5th
Me: July 8th
Papa and Memaw( my grandpa and grandma): July 4th
Everyone asks me how I feel and I really don't feel bad. I don't think I am having any contractions, but hey this is my first time doing this so I very well could be having contractions and not even know it. I am a little more tired, but no pains. For being 9 months pregos I feel pretty damn good. I am VERY thankful for this.
38 Week Pictures: