Tuesday, December 8, 2009 Josh and I went to our first Baby doctors appointment! A lot is going on in the Bosley household.... a lot of catching up in this blog. Where do I start?.... Ok, so my sense of smell is out of control. I was bad before, but now it is a million times worse. Because of my out of control smelling ability Josh recently has gone through three different types of body wash all because I gag when I smell them. This last one, Zest, did him in. He broke out in a rash. Yep, he had a very bad allergic reaction to it. So not only was it our first baby doctor's appointment on Tuesday, but Josh also paid a visit to the doctors office. His rash wasn't clearing up after taking Benadryl for several days so for the sake of sleep and discomfort he went to get checked out. He is fine. The doctor gave him some steroids and told him to take Zyrtec instead of Benadryl. Josh informed me that he IS going back to is original body wash and I WOULD have to deal with it! lol.... oh, honey!
Now on to the appointment..... I ended up working half a day since our appointment was not until 2:00 pm. It was best that I did work some because it kept my mind off all the unknowns. First, this is our first baby so we don't really know what to expect. Second, because we are announcing we are pregnant on Christmas Day to our families, I can't really call my mom or anyone else to ask questions. Third and Final, I am a worrier. I worry about everything and psycho analyze everything! It is just who I am and how my mind works. So needless to say I had myself worked up and stressed out. Thoughts like "What if they can't find a heart beat?", "What if things don't look normal", "What if my tests come back with issues", on and on and on. I was in full out worry mode. We get to the doctor's office and of course it is like 110 degrees in there and now I am not only worry, but I am roasting as well (Josh can verify the extreme temps. He was sweating like crazy too). They send us to get our sonogram first. My hands are shaking and my cheeks are rosie from the heat and anxiety that is building up. Also running in the back of my mind is the fact I know I will have to give blood and get the H1N1 shot! Have I mentioned that I FEAR needles! So much that I have minor panic attacks! Ok so anyways we get into the sonogram room and it is dark and relaxing. The lady who performed our sonogram was a saint. She was great with us newbies! Of course I as soon as I see Baby Bosley I bust out in uncontrollable tears. Josh hands me tissues and squeezes my hand like a great dad-to-be and husband. So of course while I am crying, Josh is beaming away at me and the monitor. Totally loving what he is seeing... OUR BABY! There is only ONE baby (thank god!) We hear Baby Bosley's heart beat and it is going strong at 175 beats per minute. Baby Bosley measures 1" and will be making its debut on July 15, 2010! Baby Bosley is on track and everything looked great! Of course we had 10 sonogram pictures printed as part of our Christmas gifts to our parents. I am telling you this lady was a truly a saint. She even wrote Merry Christmas on the eight we are using to tell parents and siblings. It was truly great to share that moment with my husband. From there we moved on to our doctor's appointment. We are using Dr. Grounds as our OBGYN. She was wonderful. Spunky, energetic, and easy to talk to. Josh and I really loved her. We came up with a list of questions prior to the visit and rambled through them with her. She answered everyone with a smile. What was my dear husband doing while she was talking to us? Some dads may zone out or play with all the instruments, but mine was taking notes! Yep, he wrote down answers to our questions, suggestions, and some does and don'ts! It melted my heart every time I looked over and saw him scribbling away on the notepad. After the she did a quick uterus exam I was off to get blood work and the H1N1 shot. I sit down in the chair.... roll my sleeve up.... grab Josh's hand.... and go to bite down on his thumb! He yanks it from me and says you are not biting! I tell him I need something to brace myself! I ended up squeezing this thumb until it is purple. I never look over to see what the hell is going into my are or what the hell is coming out. I just ramble uncontrollably about baby names..... not making sense what so ever. Apparently 4 tubes of blood later the whole thing is over. Only to move onto the H1N1 shot. Of course Josh's thumb only gets a few moments of relief before I clinch onto it for dear life. We left the doctor's office on cloud nine and went Christmas shopping! We celebrated with dinner at Backfire BBQ (just opened at the legends and it wasn't really that great).
Now on to the appointment..... I ended up working half a day since our appointment was not until 2:00 pm. It was best that I did work some because it kept my mind off all the unknowns. First, this is our first baby so we don't really know what to expect. Second, because we are announcing we are pregnant on Christmas Day to our families, I can't really call my mom or anyone else to ask questions. Third and Final, I am a worrier. I worry about everything and psycho analyze everything! It is just who I am and how my mind works. So needless to say I had myself worked up and stressed out. Thoughts like "What if they can't find a heart beat?", "What if things don't look normal", "What if my tests come back with issues", on and on and on. I was in full out worry mode. We get to the doctor's office and of course it is like 110 degrees in there and now I am not only worry, but I am roasting as well (Josh can verify the extreme temps. He was sweating like crazy too). They send us to get our sonogram first. My hands are shaking and my cheeks are rosie from the heat and anxiety that is building up. Also running in the back of my mind is the fact I know I will have to give blood and get the H1N1 shot! Have I mentioned that I FEAR needles! So much that I have minor panic attacks! Ok so anyways we get into the sonogram room and it is dark and relaxing. The lady who performed our sonogram was a saint. She was great with us newbies! Of course I as soon as I see Baby Bosley I bust out in uncontrollable tears. Josh hands me tissues and squeezes my hand like a great dad-to-be and husband. So of course while I am crying, Josh is beaming away at me and the monitor. Totally loving what he is seeing... OUR BABY! There is only ONE baby (thank god!) We hear Baby Bosley's heart beat and it is going strong at 175 beats per minute. Baby Bosley measures 1" and will be making its debut on July 15, 2010! Baby Bosley is on track and everything looked great! Of course we had 10 sonogram pictures printed as part of our Christmas gifts to our parents. I am telling you this lady was a truly a saint. She even wrote Merry Christmas on the eight we are using to tell parents and siblings. It was truly great to share that moment with my husband. From there we moved on to our doctor's appointment. We are using Dr. Grounds as our OBGYN. She was wonderful. Spunky, energetic, and easy to talk to. Josh and I really loved her. We came up with a list of questions prior to the visit and rambled through them with her. She answered everyone with a smile. What was my dear husband doing while she was talking to us? Some dads may zone out or play with all the instruments, but mine was taking notes! Yep, he wrote down answers to our questions, suggestions, and some does and don'ts! It melted my heart every time I looked over and saw him scribbling away on the notepad. After the she did a quick uterus exam I was off to get blood work and the H1N1 shot. I sit down in the chair.... roll my sleeve up.... grab Josh's hand.... and go to bite down on his thumb! He yanks it from me and says you are not biting! I tell him I need something to brace myself! I ended up squeezing this thumb until it is purple. I never look over to see what the hell is going into my are or what the hell is coming out. I just ramble uncontrollably about baby names..... not making sense what so ever. Apparently 4 tubes of blood later the whole thing is over. Only to move onto the H1N1 shot. Of course Josh's thumb only gets a few moments of relief before I clinch onto it for dear life. We left the doctor's office on cloud nine and went Christmas shopping! We celebrated with dinner at Backfire BBQ (just opened at the legends and it wasn't really that great).
Josh has been AMAZING from day one when we found out we were pregnant! He helps me pack nutritionally sound lunches (although I don't always eat them ;) ) He wraps Christmas presents in the evening while I pass out for three hours in the chair. He gets things ready for bed, like bringing up a glass of water, my cell phone, and clearing any laundry off the bed for me. He just ROCKS! Josh thank you so much for being such a wonderful husband and dad-to-be!
Two weeks to go until we spell the beans! At eight weeks this is what my belly looks like! Currently it just looks like a have gained a lot of weight!

I voted girl :) Here's to a happy & healthy pregnancy. Hopefully morning sickness won't consume you too much.