Let me first begin this story by saying I love my husband! With that said.... I could have absolutely knocked him out while we were painting the guest bedroom a couple of Saturdays ago! We began painting Friday night. Josh painted the accent wall while I painted the closet white. Josh put two coats on the wall and hit the recliner for some ESPN time (imagine that). He fell asleep in the recliner while I completed the closet. Then Saturday morning roles around..... Josh gets up in the grumpiest mood! Painting does this to him EVERY time, but this time was worst! My theory is that he did so much painting when he was growing up that he now despises it with a passion. So he began putting the first coat on the remaining three walls. And let me tell you he was a bear! Now wives you can relate to this. You know those times when your husband is in one of those moods that you just can't get him out of! Nothing you say or do helps. Well after about an hour of this I was ready to KO my husband! Thank god we only put one coat of paint on that day. After the first coat was on we took the rest of the afternoon off. As we were getting ready to head to Topeka for The Maders Open House I told him that if he was going to be in a crappy mood that he could stay home and I would go without him. From that moment forward he was fine! I guess husbands are also allowed grumpy moods every once in a while. Sunday... we got up and throw a second coat on and headed out the door to the Nascar races! Josh was in heaven! He loved it! Me... well I loved it because Josh was LOVING it! Cars going in circles 246 times... not really that exciting to me, but Josh was thrilled to be there and to have such awesome seats! After the races and dinner we put another coat on the the walls. Three coats later we were finally done painting the guest bedroom around 9:00 pm Sunday evening. By this time we hated that room! Well... we hated painting that room.
I have finally finished the "details" of the guest bedroom. Finding the "perfect" bedding was a nightmare. At one time I had 5 different shams, two bed skirts, two quilts, and two curtains. In the end I ended up with a great look! The room still needs to be decorated, but a least there is a bed, covers, and a homemade headboard!
Now for the fun part! Pictures!
The week prior to painting, Josh had went out of town for work. When he returned the room went from having two paint samples on the wall to FIVE! I hate picking out paint. I really did stress over this whole thing.

So because I went to town on the paint samples, Josh had to prime over them before painting the accent wall.
I REALLY like the color you picked! It looks awesome!