Josh sat down and began drawing out his Denver Broncos horse design. Once he drew it he decided the drawing was a little too large for the pumpkin so he used finger nail polish remover to take off the permanent marker. When the finger nail polish remover didn't remove all of it he went to the sink and started scrubbing down his pumpkin with soap and water. This is a good thing and you will see why in a short second.

Once he had a clean pallet to work on, he once again drew out his Denver Bronco horse head. This time it was perfect! So he got one of our knives and started to cut out the top of the pumpkin. At this time I am also working on my pumpkin. Next thing I know I hear Josh moan and grunt. I look over and the knife is dropped on the table. Here is how the next 15 minutes go:
Me: Josh what happened? Are you ok?
Josh: I am fine. Just cut myself. (as he is walking over to get a paper towel)
Me: Let me see.
Josh: No Melissa. It is fine. Just scrapped me.
Me: I will go get a band-aid.
I go grab a band-aid and when I come back Josh is sitting in front of the sink on the kitchen floor white as a ghost. No color at all.
Me: What happened? Josh you are white!
Josh: I feel dizzy.
Josh moves over to the kitchen table and lays on the floor, puts his feet up in a chair, and lifts his had above his head. By the way he is still very white!
Me: Josh what do you want me to do? Do we need to go to the ER?
Josh: I looked at it. I thought I could pull the lose skin off, but when I pulled it back I was looking into a hole. A hole that is in my wrist!
Me: Do you want me to call your mom? (I say this because she works for KCK Fire Dept. on the Ambulance)
Josh: Is she on shift?
Me: I don't know I will call.
I get on the phone with Coleen (Josh's Mom) and tell her what happened. She says she can meet us at Providence Medical Center if she needs to.
Me: Josh your mom says she can meet you at Providence.
At this time Josh decides to get up off the floor and sit in the chair. As soon as he sits down he tells me to get a trash can because he is going to be sick. I run over and grab the trash can (still talking to Coleen) and as soon as I sit it down Josh passes out. I grab him by the neck and tell Coleen that he has passed out. She tells me to call 911. I seriously have Josh in a choke hold as I am dialing 911. I yell "Josh! Josh!". He starts making this weird noise. I think, Oh, God he is puking. So I try to open his mouth up, but I can't! Then I realize he is making this noise, because I am choking him. The 911 operator comes on the line and I say I need an ambulance at my house and yell our address. As soon as I get our address out Josh comes to.
Josh: What happened! I am not riding in an ambulance!
Me: You passed out! Are you ok!
I tell the 911 operator never mind I am driving him myself. The operator asks if I am sure and I tell him yes and thank you. I am shaking so bad and my heart is racing out of control.
Josh: You know they are going to come anyways.
Me: Well we are not going to be here. Oh, and you better not do that to me again! You scared the crap out of me!
Josh: Sorry honey. It is ok.
Coleen calls and says she is on her way to station 9 (fire station just past the speedway and 435) and to meet her there so she can look at Josh. We load up and took off. When we got to the fire station. Coleen cleaned out Josh's puncture wound and bandaged him up. No stitches were need, but a tetanus shot would be needed. So we went to Urgent Care and he got stuck with a needle!
Battle Scar!

And so we picked up where we left off when we got home from Urgent Care. Needless to say we were both extremely careful with the knife. Josh was fine the rest of the evening. Next year we might invest in those kid friendly carving kits or hell, paint pumpkins instead of carve them.

It is like surgery!

Finished Product!

Taaa- Dahhh..

All lite up!
Oh, and that evening after Josh got out of the shower we had to bandage him up. He was worried about getting blood on the bed so we wrapped his wrist in gauze and tape. The bandages made it look like he tried to commit suicide and failed. Oh, my husband!
It was a crazy evening that spilled over into the morning. I woke up this morning and started getting ready for work. Josh woke up feeling sick so he was going to stay home and in bed. I noticed Harlie, our doggie, was rubbing her nose with her paws a lot. So I turned on the bedroom light to check her out. The poor puppy had one eye swollen shut and her entire face was puffy. I told Josh that it looks like she is having an allergic reaction to something, but we are going to have to take her to the Vet to make sure. So he rolled out of bed and started getting ready. The Vet said Harlie did have an allergic reaction to something and gave her a few shots. Our guess is the pumpkin I feed her and Ella last night. Lesson learned. Harlie is allergic to pumpkin.
So in the past 24 hours we have manged to incur a medical bill and a vet bill all from those damn pumpkins! Hopefully next year's pumpkin carving session goes a lot smoother!