Saturday was not as fabulous to say the least. After everyone left Friday evening Josh and I stayed up unpacking our dishes. We were so excited to finally get to use them and to spend our first night in our new home! Anyways we had to pull the stickers off and load them in the dishwasher. We went through our wedding gifts and organized them into piles. Pile one- return or exchange, Pile two- dishes that need to be washed, and pile three- well it was the catch all. Josh's man room looked awfully girly at the end of Friday evening. Ok so anyways back to Saturday. We woke up at 6:30 AM, yes you read that correctly 6:30 AM. Let me tell you how early that is after a very late night of unpacking! The reason for the 6:30 am wake up call was because Ben and Trevor (Ben is my mom and dad's neighbor and he paints for a living. Trevor is his apprentice) was going to be at our house at 7:00 am to begin painting the Kitchen, Dinning Room, and Hallway. Well Ben did not show up till 7:45 am! While we were waiting for been to show up Josh got out his brand new coffee maker and put it to work! Ben arrived and coffee was done around 8:00 AM. Josh offered Ben and Trevor coffee, only to realize we couldn’t find Josh a mug to use much less two more! Hello honey! Luckily I remembered that there were some plastic cups buried in the wedding pile down in the Man Room. Coffee was served! The plan for Saturday morning was we would leave Ben and Trevor to paint while we loaded the stock trailer and Yukon (I had switched vehicles the night before with my parents). So I headed to the storage unit to load the remaining wedding gifts in the Yukon while Josh picked up one of his buddies and headed to my parents house to pick up my dresser (side note: my dresser sucks! it is huge and extremely heavy. The night my mom and I brought to home from NFM my dad asked me in a very pissy tone "Did you pick out the heaviest damn one there?!") Within an hour I had loaded the remaining wedding gifts/breakable items into the Yukon (btw it did it by myself) and headed to meet up with Josh at my parents house to give him the key to the storage unit. When I got there Josh's dad and step-mom had arrived from Ft. Scott! They were just finishing loading up and then were headed to the storage unit to get the remaining items. The plan continued with me, my mom, and Josh's step-mom heading to the new house to begin unloading the Yukon and Josh, my dad, his dad, and Josh's buddy heading to the storage unit. Here is when the drama began! I arrived at our house to find our street covered with cars. It was a flippin' mad house! Apparently our entire block decided to join in on the City Wide Garage Sell and put all their crap for sale! People were parked in front of our house, our mailbox, they were just lining our streets. Instantly I think- Hmmmm... how in the hell is my husband going to weave in out of this circus? He has a one ton truck and a stock trailer. This should be interesting. So like a good wife I call to warn him that our street has been taken over by garage sellers. Josh arrives with the stock trailer packed to the gills! He comes down our street very slowly and carefully as not to take out one of the many garage sellers. Luckily when he gets to our house there was an opening that allowed him to back up to our house. Sounds easy enough... Wrong! As he is backing the stock trailer into our driveway one of our neighbors freaks out and starts yelling "Don't hit my car!" Josh stops backing up and, now mind you by this point is starting to get hot out and we are working on like 5 hours of sleep, nicely tells this lady that he drives a semi for a living and hauls huge cranes and that he will not hit her car. Now me being the wife I know to things 1. Josh is going to kill this lady and 2. I need to go over and smooth everything out. So I go over and tell the lady he does this for a living and we have insurance. (side note: her freakin' car was parked in front of OUR MAILBOX. Hello move your shit lady!) She smiles and laughs and everything is fine, except as soon as Josh gets done backing in and gets out of the truck he is hot, not temperature hot, but pissed off at the chick hot. He said "Stupid (insert a few choice words here) why doesn't she get off her ass and move her car if she is so worried! I know she is dumb she is wearing an Oklahoma shirt!" (Josh is a HUGE Texas fan) The remaining morning we unpacked the trailer and Yukon. We decided to grill at our house for lunch. After lunch nothing was accomplished. More bull shitting and drinking happened then unpacking. Saturday was a very eventful day, but we got everything unloaded and by the end of the day our garage looked like our storage unit! And we were exhausted!
Pictures from Saturday:
Pictures from Saturday:
Bright eyed and ready to go at 6 AM!
Trevor working his magic on our hallway!
Me and Marky Sparky!
There is some serious thought going into the washer and dryer!
Josh and my dad putting setting up my brand new washe and dryer!
Ta-DaH! They are freakin' awesome!
Josh grilling lunch on our patio for everyone
Lunch time!
The garage after we unloaded the trailer! Our dog harlie too!
This is how Josh's Man Room started and.....
This is how it ended! Doesn't Josh looked worried about his Man Room!
This post made me laugh. Moving is one of the worst things, but once everything is organized and put together-it feels so great. Keep up the good work!