Christmas eve began with some baking. Josh made a amazing cheesecake with the help of his sous chef. Umm... wait.... the second cheesecake Josh made was AMAZING. The first was black on top and runny in the middle.

They were waiting for the top of the cheesecake to brown so they could knock the temperature down.

Then it was time to bake Santa some chocolate chip cookies. My assistant was most helpful and looked stinking cute in her apron. Though she thought it was a dress.

That evening we exchanged gifts and had dinner with Josh's mom.

Christmas morning Santa had came and left a rock climbing gym with a slide in our living room!

Can you tell she absolutely LOVES her slide! She really wasn't into opening presents as much as playing with the jungle gym Santa brought. When she goes down it she says "Weeeeeee!"

She wanted to put her boots on, but she couldn't with her footy pajamas. So we striped her down and she rocked the boots with a diaper. Let me tell you she strutted her stuff between all the boxes and wrapping paper.

Most of the time she enjoyed crawling on top of presents than opening them.

After the gifts were open and the dinner was consumed, we had friends from out of town stop by. Easton was a bit of a bully to Blake. He is 3 months younger than Easton and she didn't like him drinking out of her cup or playing with her toys. But we all survived and it was a great learn experience for all of us.

Easton was showered with wonderful gifts and love. She is one lucky and spoiled little girl. It was a great Christmas and we look forward to next year when she will really be into Christmas and Santa!