Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Easter 2011
She loved her bubbles
Saturday afternoon we celebrated Easter with my parents and brother.
Here she is looking at the Easter basket Grandpa and Nana got her.
She loved her brown bunny.
She also got Bambi and an outfit from her Uncle Sparky.

Daddy and Easton coloring eggs.
Easton also got a swing that we put up a couple of weeks ago. Of course she LOVES it!

Let the hunt begin! Easton found all the eggs the Easter bunny hide. That Easter bunny is good! He hid them in all the spots she loves to go.

Of course Harlie wants to help.

We arrived in Fort Scott and Easton dug into her basket from Grandpa and Grandma Chris.

Easton and Daddy

Mommy and Easton

And this is why we go through so many head bands.....

Family photo

Easton had a wonderful first Easter. We are so lucky to have such wonderful families!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Nine Months
I am sure by now Easton thinks her name is "No Easton". We find ourselves saying this quite often. She is everywhere, into everything and a quick little thing. Most of the time you can find her pulled up on our storm door pounding on the glass jabbering away. She loves to look at outside.
- 16 lbs. and 27" long
- Size 2 diaper
- No teeth! But we sure are chewing on everything!
- Tops: 6-9 months
- Pants 3-6 month waist, but 9 month length. Bring on summer.. no more worrying about saggy britches
- 3rd Stage Baby Food. We have only found one thing that she does not like... Turkey Vegetable Medley. She is a really good eater and not picky (like her momma)
- We have started baby puffs and she LOVES them
- Loves to do "Patty Cake Patty Cake"
- Walking behind her walking dinosaur
- Claps and waves bye
- Cruises furniture
- Jibber Jabbers up a storm. Says dada a lot and every once in awhile she will say mama.
- Easton LOVES attention. She is always looking around to see who is watching her. She is famous for walking with her green dinosaur across the floor then stopping and looking around to see who watched make it across the room. Then she smiles really big! As soon as you say " Yay Easton" she lights up all over again. She definitely loves to know how proud you are of her. A lot of times while you are cheering her on she will also begin to clap and smile.
From day one we have always tried to set a routine for Easton. I really believe this is why she is such a happy and wonderful baby. She knows what expect everyday. This is a typical day with Easton.
7:15 am - I wake her up. Get dressed, nurse and head out the door to daycare.
9:00 am - 1/3 cup of Oatmeal with some cinnamon sprinkled on top and one 6 oz. jar of stage 3 fruit.
10:00 am - Morning nap. She usually will sleep for an hour and fifteen minutes
12:00 pm - Lunch... 1 6oz. jar of stage 3 vegetable/main dish and 1/2 of a 6 oz. jar of stage 3 fruit. 9 oz. total for lunch.
1:45 pm - 8 oz. bottle of breast milk2:30 pm- Afternoon nap. She usually sleeps 2 hours.
6:00 pm - Dinner...1 6oz. jar of stage 3 vegetable/main dish and 1/2 of a 6 oz. jar of stage 3 fruit. 9 oz. total for dinner
7:30 pm - Bath time
8:00 pm - Nurse
8:30 - 9:00 pm - Bedtime
In the last week we have noticed Easton has very little interest in her pacifier. There is much more fun things to play with. So we have just stopped giving it to her. We keep all pacifiers out of sight and reach, this includes in the car seat and crib. We never attached it to her clothes so that wasn't a big deal to get rid of. It's no longer part of our bedtime routine. It has been super easy. I lay her down and she rolls over and cuddles up to the side of her crib and goes to sleep. No tears. No pacifier! We have only had to use the pacifier twice since weaning, but those have been very severe cases of teething and she just NEEDED her pacifier. I am not trying to overwhelm her right now with teething and getting rid of the pacifier. So we take it one day at a time and right now it is going GREAT! I am amazed at how well it is going. You always here horror stories of kids screaming and crying for hours wanting their binky. We are so lucky and blessed to have such a wonderful little girl.
The story behind these photos...
I really wanted to take these outside in the grass, but Easton wasn't having it. She was terrified of the grass. She clinged on to her Nana for dear life and would not even put her pinky toe in it. So up to the deck we went. No problems with deck. She sat there, crawled and played. After we are done taking the photos we get her inside and dressed. My mom says I think she has a splinter. I look and sure enough she has be good size splinter on top of her foot. I looked her over some more and found six splinters total. Geezzzz... mother of the year, I know! My mom, Josh or I could not get them out so thankfully we had Easton's 9 mo. check up the next day. Dr Yu took the big one out on her foot and said the teeny tiny ones will work themselves out. He also said no more deck. Easton never even cried or acted like the splinters hurt her. What a tough little cookie.

Thursday, April 7, 2011
Nana Banana

Monday, April 4, 2011
Freeze Time...

Please disregard my nasty slobbery storm door. Not only does Easton love to look out the front door, but so do our dogs.