This past Sunday we headed to Kerby Farm. Yes, I know Easton has no clue what is going on. Yes, she may have slept through the majority of it, but when she is seven I can tell her that we have been coming here since the year she was born. I am a huge believer in starting traditions from the beginning. She doesn't know it, but that day she took a hayride, found her way through a corn maze, became a cowgirl, saw the horseys, ducks, piggies and chickens and found the perfect pumpkin.
Daddy's little cowgirl!
You know that saying " Don't cry over spilled milk". Well that is a load of crap when it comes to breastmilk! I was almost in tears the other day at work when I spilled an ounce of breastmilk all over my keyboard. Not because I was worried about the keyboard being ruined, but because I spilled an OUNCE of boobie juice! I was so mad. You have to understand that it probably took me fifteen minutes to make that one ounce so to spill it was devastating. I guess better an ounce than a whole bottle!