Breastfeeding has gone REALLY well! I am amazed at how well it has gone. I have heard so many horror stories from other moms who had breastfed that I just assumed that I would have just as much trouble. Fortunately Easton and I have mastered it without cracked or bleeding nipples! Thank God!
Easton's Stats.....
We have had two visits to the pediatrician since coming home from the hospital. The first was Monday, July 19. One day after coming home from the hospital. Dr. Yu (pronounced like the word You) wanted to follow up with Easton to make sure her jaundice was clearing up. He looked her over and told us to keep supplementing until my milk came in. Well we only supplemented one more time and than BAMB! Hello boobies! Good-bye colostrum and supplementing formula and hello boobie milk! The next appointment was for the Tuesday, July 27. Within that week Easton gained 14 ounces! Yes, 14 ounces! Dr. Yu was amazed and happy! He really wasn't expecting her to gain that much in a week. I was one proud Mommy! Easton's current weight is 8 lbs. 4 ounces. She is 20 3/4 inches long. She is growing like a weed!
On a sad note... I found out I will not be able to take 12 weeks off for maternity leave. Eight is all I will be able to take off. My work is more than happy to let me take off 12 weeks, but our short term disability policy will only pay up to 6 weeks so I am using some vacation and working a couple things out with my boss and will only be off for 8 weeks. Next time I will do better research and not rely on two men to know about our maternity leave benefits. Right now I am focusing on the time I do have to spend with my little girl and will cross that bridge when I get there.
On a happier note.... we have had some crazy moments in the Bosley household since Easton's arrival. Below are stories of things that have happened day in and day out.
Fiber is like a Stool Softener? Right?...
All you Mommy's out there can relate to this one! While in the hospital they give you stool softeners to help make pooping less traumatic and painful. So when I get home I start taking fiber pills. Yes, fiber pills. For whatever reason I thought this acted like a stool softener. WRONG! I had not pooped in like three days and then it finally hit me! I seriously was in the bathroom for 45 minutes trying to poop without pushing out my insides and blowing out some stitches! I came out of the bathroom and this is the conversation between Josh and I:
Josh: Were you in the bathroom?
Me: YES! For like 45 minutes! I am such a retard!
Josh: Why?
Me: Well I have been taking two fiber pills a day thinking they were like stool softeners! Do you know what size of poop I just passed!....
Josh: The size of Easton! ( by this time Josh is laughing so hard at me)
Me: You need to go to Wal-Mart right now and buy some stool softeners! Tell the pharmacist I just had a baby and I am breastfeeding and then ask them what they recommend.
Josh: Ok (still cracking up)
Mommy and Daddy vs. Breast Pump....
A couple days after leaving the hospital I decided I should start pumping so I could build up a stock pile of breast milk before I returned to work. My plan that evening was to pump on my right boobie while I nursed Easton on my left. I get the pump out and bring it into our bedroom. I start putting the parts and pieces together and hold one of the shields (the part your nipple goes into) up to my breast. I turn on the machine and nothing really happens. I barely get any vacuum/suction and by this time Easton is crying up a storm wanting to nurse. So I decide now probably isn't the best time and I would have to figure it out later. I get myself situated on the bed to begin nursing and Josh hands me Easton. I am sitting there doing the nursing thing when Josh takes it upon his self to figure out how the breast pump works. Next thing I know he is holding the shield up to my right breast while I am still nursing Easton. He turns on the machine and CRANKS the vacuum up full blast! I do a scream/laugh at him, because it feels like my nipple is being sucked up through the tubing! He laughs and says sorry. He obviously figured out how it works! So here we are me holding Easton nursing and Josh is scrunched down holding the breast pump shield up to my other boobie watching it slowly fill up. Our arms were so intertwined and Easton's legs and feet were positioned around the shield. It seriously was ridiculous. I really wish we had recorded this moment, because it was a circus and I was laughing so hard at Josh holding the shield up to my boobie and me trying to nurse Easton. It was a comedy act!
Projectile Vomiting on Daddy....
I just had finished nursing Easton and Josh was working on burping her. My mom, brother and me were all talking not really paying attention to what Josh and Easton were doing. Next thing I hear is
Josh: She just projectile vomited all over me!
Me: (go over the chair where they are and stand there. Once I evaluate the situation I start busting up laughing!)
Josh: (frustrated and annoyed that I am laughing and not doing anything) Melissa its on my face! Get me something to get it off my face!
Melissa: (still laughing) Ok.
Josh: Gross!
Nana gets the poopie end of the deal....
I gotta admit I have not changed very many diapers since we have been home. The first week Josh was totally on diaper duty and rocked at it. I joked and said Mommy does the boobie and Daddy does the diapers! Then this past week my mom checked in for diaper duty. So I have been lucky, but don't worry next week my luck will change because I will officially be on my own. Yikes! Alright on with the story. The other morning my mom was changing Easton and I was sitting in our rocking chair getting ready to nurse her. Next thing I know I hear my Mom say "Oh my God!" I look over and see runny poop running down the side of the changing table, on the changing table pad, on my mom's clothes, it was everywhere! Easton had blown butt all over! Nana was quick to react by grabbing a wipe and holding it to her bottom, but she wasn't quick enough to keep it from going all over the place. I just started laughing and so did Nana! Easton was a little stinker that morning! I must admit I was glad it was Nana and not me.
Mommy and Easton!

This is a VERY common sight in our house. Daddy and Easton sleeping in the recliner!

Mommy even gets a nap in every once in a while.

She has changed so much since we left the hospital. She is starting to develop her personality and more facial features are appearing everyday. She still has blue eyes right now. The doctor said she could have brown, green or hazel eyes. We are hoping for hazel or green. Time will tell.

Easton and Daddy spend a lot of time in this chair just chilling and watching Sports Center. She doesn't seem to mind and Daddy loves it!

Bath time is Daddy-Easton bonding time. Since we are not introducing a bottle until we have been breastfeeding for at least three weeks, bath time is a way for Josh and Easton to bond. Her first sponge bath at home was July 20, 2010. As you can tell from the pictures she was not a happy camper. Our system is Josh does most of the washing and handling, while I do more of the assisting. It works out pretty dang good. Oh, but Mommy always does the lotion.