Easton Blondell has been dancing away in my belly these days. I have had two doctors appointments since I last blogged and I am happy to report that mommy and baby are doing great. We did have a scare. I didn't not pass my first gestational diabetes test so I had to do the three hour test. Now this test involves FOUR! blood draws. My husband happily accompanied me to this procedure and walked around Providence Hospital for four hours with me! He was a trooper and we passed the time joking around and trying to not think about food! Within two days my doctor's office called and here is how the conversation went!
Nurse: Melissa you failed one of the fours tests
Me: and...
Nurse: Dr. Grounds said No sugar
Me: No Sugar... Not even Ice Cream!?
Nurse: No ice cream.
Me: My husband is going to die!
Luckily the next day following the no sugar phone call I had a doctors appointment and got some questions answered. I am borderline having gestational diabetes. My doctor said my test were the craziest thing. I can eat sugar... in moderation of course, but I also need to make sure I am not just eating sugar. Like don't have a piece of cake as a snack. Have it with your meal. Otherwise I basically feel like crap and my sugars go really high and then I crash. So if I want to feel like crap then eat just a piece of cake.
Ok, so I have cut back on the sugars and have incorporated more protein in my diet. So far so good. Don't get me wrong I still eat ice cream. I just make my husband scope it out instead of myself. He does a much better job of controlling portion sizes for me than I do.
At 34 weeks I weight 241! A whopping 47 pounds have been added to my ass, belly, thighs, even my arms have grown. Oh, and I can't forget my feet. These days my feet are swollen 24/7. In fact they sometimes get so swollen that I have rolls. Like the Pillsbury Dough boy. Cute, I know.

With summer hitting us and the temperature rising, I have also seen a change in my mood, emotions, and patience. I am out of control irritable. With everyone! I don't discriminate or play favorites. I have kept my irritability under control at work, but there has been many times I have had to walk outside before I went crazy on a co-worker. Speaking of crazy, I got a pretty embarrassing/funny story.
I never thought the words "I am f*$!%^g pregnant and I need to eat!" would EVER come out of my mouth, but sadly they did and they were shot right at my husband! I am pretty sure he was waiting for my head to start spinning like some possessed woman. There is a story and it does have to do with food, answering his cell phone, and much more, but I will skip those details. From the pyscho pregnant wife it was a downward spiral to the sobbing uncontrollably pregnant wife. The sobbing came from feeling stupid for getting so angry about something so meaningless and food. Needless to say that moment wasn't one of the highlights of my preganacy. In fact it was my lowest point. Now we look back and laugh at it. Thank God!
Recently we took a Childbirth class and we both LOVED it! Well as much as you can love talking about vagina's, labor positions, pain, and placentas. The class was very informative and helped Josh and I to understand how important it will be to communicate with each other. We both feel so much more comfortable about the whole labor and delivery process. We also learned that 8 is our magic number! Ideally I do not want an epidural and if we can dialate to an 8 without one then we are in the home stretch! However, I am also not ruling out getting an epidural. My goal is to avoid it, but remember things don't always go as planned. We also meet with a Maternity Coordinator at Shawnee Mission Medical Center and set up our birth plan. After taking the Birthing class I decided that I liked the idea of being able to labor in a tub to help ease pain and progress labor. So basically we are waiting on Easton! We are all setup at the hospital, we are knowledgable about labor and delivery, and we are ready to take care of a newborn (we took a Newborn Care Class also). However she needs to give us a least one more week because we have a one more class to take before her arrival.
We also recently celebrated Josh's One Year Anniversary of being Tobacco Free at the Brad Paisley Concert!