On March 11 at exactly 22 weeks Easton became a mover and shaker! I think she has daddy's dancing skills! Around 8:30 pm while watching Grey's Anatomy and laying on the couch I felt this crazy rumble in my belly. When a fart didn't follow I figured it was Ms. Easton moving. I shot up and excitingly told Josh "I swear to God, I think I just felt Easton kick!" He came over right away and put his had on my belly and of course she didn't move. He went back over to his "man" chair and we finished watching Greys. After Greys he turned it to the Texas basketball game and I told him to come over here and put his hand on my belly while he watched the game. So I placed his hand on the spot where I had felt her move the most and not a minute later she gave daddy one heck of a kick! The strongest one I felt so far. He turned and looked at me with astonishment, excitement, and the hugest smile! The look on his face was truly priceless and I will never forget the love and amazement that I saw in his eyes as he felt his little girl kick. Every since that night Easton has not stopped dancing around in my belly. Prior to all this movement, I just finished off a bowl of vanilla ice cream topped with hot fudge and homemade brownies! I think she loved the ice cream and wanted to let us know!
Last Saturday, March 13 was a day completely dedicated to Easton. The only goal Josh had for me was to pick out baby bedding. My goals on the other hand were to register at Babies R US and Target, find a crib and changing table, and of course baby bedding. First stop of the day, Babies R US. We spent TWO and HALF hours in that store registering! Of course when you walk in there are aisles and aisles of baby stuff! I must say when the lady handed us the scanning gun we didn't know where the hell to start. Even with three different registry "must have" lists, it was just too much. So our plan of attack.... start at the first aisle on the right side and work our way down every aisle until we made it around the store. Along the way we looked at everything and scanned the items we thought we may need. One jumbo size box of diapers, a "My Mom is hotter than your Mom" bib and a "My first Royals Tee" pink shirt later, we left Babies R US registered, exhausted and starving! Side note: There are certain items that my husband got carried away with so please disregard the 5 packages of nursing pads that he scanned. He got a little out of control with the gun! After some very yummy Mexican food we headed to Target on 155th and 69 hwy. It sucked! We were in and out of there in 45 minutes. There baby section was small so we just registered for some basics. As we were walking out of Target I realized we didn't' register for a diaper bag. So I told Josh we had to go back to Babies R Us and register for one. So began the big diaper bag debate. I wanted cute, girly, and pink. Josh wanted something HE could carry around. He picked up ones that looked like ugly brief cases, dang bowling bags, or were back packs. I had to remind him that I too would be carrying this thing. After all my cute pink ones were shot down, Josh saw one shoved way in the back that matched our stroller/carrier. We scanned it and bolted! The final stop of the day... NFM of course. There we purchased our baby bedding ( I will post pictures of it later once we finish the room) and ended up buying a crib. I had not planned on spending so much on a crib, it just wasn't that big of a deal to me, but after searching forever, Josh and I found one we both liked. So with much reservation I gave into buying the $570.00 crib. Yes you read that right, $570 for a crib that does not include the mattress or the rails to convert it into a full size bed! Like Josh says "This is the only bed I am buying her while she is living with me". I of course LOVE the changing table/dresser that goes with the crib, however there is NO WAY in hell I was spending $800 on that. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. So I told Josh that we would order the changing table I liked at Babies R Us. It is tall (this was a huge issue for me), has places for baskets below, white, and simple. Best of all it is only $240.00 and I don't really think Easton will care what her little butt gets changed on as long as she gets changed.
Now we have to focus on paint colors and getting the nursery together! And here are some colors we are currently working with...

21 Weeks

Easton's coming home outfit.... Like I said if it was a girl she will be wearing pink, bows, and ruffles!

I leave you with pictures of our Babies R Us purchase....