We had our 18 week check up and all seemed good with Baby Bosley. Heart beat was 141 bpm and Baby Bosley was very active. Josh was able to make it to this appointment so he was able to hear his baby's heart beat for the second time. My doctor was pretty sure I had an anterior placenta, which means that it had attached to my front side instead of my back. This was not a huge deal other than it may take me longer to feel Baby Bosley move. My doctor also guessed I was having a little boy. Oh, and I weighed in at 206! I had gained another 6 pounds since the January appointment. At 18 weeks the fatigue fog began lifting away! Thank God! But with the lift of the fatigue fog came lower back and tail bone aches.
February 10th....
Josh's birthday! We celebrated with steak fingers, mashed potatoes, green beans, and of course cake and ice cream! About a month before Josh's birthday I had been out shopping with my mom and ran into a sale on onesies at JC Pennys. Of course when I saw this one and just HAD to get it....

Then of course I had to cover my bases and buy one for a boy... just in case.

Proud Daddy!

Since finding out we were pregnant Josh has wanted to find out the sex from day one! He wanted to be able to paint the room pink if it was a girl and John Deere green and yellow if it was a boy (the boy room color was still up for discussion). I didn't want to find out of course, but it really wasn't fair for me to decide for both of us... so here is how it unfolded. I suggested we flip a coin to figure out if we would find out the sex or not. I was getting worried that we would go into our 20 week sonogram and the tech would ask if we were finding out the sex and I would blurt out No and Josh would answer Yes. The poor tech would be so confused! There wasn't a right and wrong answer here. Just a matter of different opinions. That evening Josh flipped a quarter, specifically this quarter.

Heads we don't find out and tails we do.

It lands on heads! I smile and Josh says "This isn't fair. Melissa why do you think football players always pick heads when they flip the coin. Because it lands on heads majority of the time." I just laugh... Just flips the coin four more times and EACH time it lands on HEADS! He finally suggests we draw out of a hat.
Josh writes Find Out and Don't Find Out on two pieces of paper, folds them up, and sticks them in his hat.
Ready to go!
And.............................. We find out!
Josh also received his first baby purchase that evening. He had ordered Baby Bosley a Texas Onesie!
This is my recent $75 find on Craigs List! A very beautiful buffet!
16 week belly photo!
February 14th.......
We headed to the Hereford House to celebrate Valentine's Day.
February 23rd...
The time was here! Our 20 week sonogram! Of course our appointment wasn't until 4:oo pm so all day I was checking the clock and counting down. 3:20 pm rolled around and Josh and I bolted work for the doctors office! This sonogram had very specific directions, empty your bladder one hour before your appointment and drink 16 oz of water 30 minutes before your appointment. Needless to say when we arrived I thought my bladder was going to explode. We checked in and headed to the sonogram room only to be informed that we would have to wait due to an emergency sonogram that needed to be performed. My face must of said it all because our tech said "Are you about to bust?" I said yes, but I would wait. She told me to go ahead and go empty my bladder. I told her no way I wasn't jinking this. We wanted to make sure we were able to find out the sex. As we were sitting in the waiting area I told Josh there was no guarantee I wouldn't pee my pants if she pushes to hard on my stomach. His reply... You have leather seats. Gotta love my husband. After about 10 minutes of waiting it was finally our turn. We were both so excited. The tech begins the sonogram and shows us Baby Bosley's head, legs, arms, spine and face. Of course this being Josh's child Baby Bosley did not want to cooroperate and have its picture taken. When the tech said baby is balled up and being stubborn about having its picture taken, Josh piped up and said that is definetnly my baby! She gets a couple of measurements and then tells me to go empty my bladder so baby can have more room to move around. Gotta tell you that was the best pee I have ever taken! I came back and she was able to snap a shot of Baby Bosley's bottom and legs and revealed to us Baby Bosley was a GIRL! Yay! Josh squeezed my hand and smiled as I let out a big YES! We both were so excited and already knew her name Easton Blondell Bosley. This would have been our final sonogram, however the tech found fluid in Easton's left kidney and could not get a very good profile shot. The tech told us not to panic or google fluid in kidney becuase we would see all this horrible stuff and 95% of the time it is nothing. Once the baby can stretch out the fluid goes away. The tech also informed us that the doctor will want to monitor this just as a precaution. So what did I do... I googled it! Duh.... only to find out this is very common and it does clear up on its own. Baby Easton's stats were 162 bpm and 10 ounces!
Everyone is excited for a little girl! I wanted a little girl and knew it was a girl. I could just feel it! Josh asks how could you tell? I just could. I thought, dreamt, shopped, and talked about a little girl. I just knew.
I half way there and it seems to have flown by! Lets just hope the second half does the same! I can finally stay up past 6:30pm and seem to have got some energy back. AND even bigger news! I am finally the Perky Pregnant Girl! Yay! I am officaly at the level of excitment that Josh is and this could be due to the fact that A. I have more engery go be excited and B. we are having a little girl!